
Bonjour (encore une fois)

Today, I was let go from my newest job, after only working there for two weeks. Their reasoning was that I 'wasn't adequately enthusiastic' about the role.  In fact, for those two weeks I had been watching one other girl on the computer with nothing to do but make notes.  My attempts at offering to take on even the most menial of tasks was fruitless, thus I had absolutely nothing to do for two weeks... Nevertheless, I've decided now is as good a time as any to restart my blogging and make a list of what I am grateful for.  This is as follows: I am living in a beautiful flat (the attic room, with my own spiral staircase!) in a lovely part of London I have been dogsitting two (yes, two!) puppies - a Goldador and a Bernese Mountain Dog - one of which I am earning money doing for a lovely family I have been invited for 3 job interviews this week, all involving speaking French (something I'd like to do) I am successfully selling clothes through various onli
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